Accident Responsiveness


Tidy MT recognizes that there are risks associated with cleaning, and has developed safety procedures to eliminate these risks.  However, in the event of an accident, Tidy MT’s team member members have been instructed to follow these procedures:


  1. Assess the situation and determine the serious of the accident.  If a person is injured, obtain immediate first aid by calling the team supervisor, the client contact or the nominated emergency contact.  Provide the contact with the location of the accident, the condition of injury or damage and whether an ambulance is required
  2. Take care to leave everything as it is, unless this creates an unsafe situation, so that the cause of the accident and the extent of the damage can be investigated and damage or defective equipment can be retained for inspection by the insurance companies.
  3. Follow the direction of the supervisor, and make sure the injured person is made comfortable, but not moved.
  4. Fill in an incident report form as instructed by your supervisor


Team Supervisor

  1. Ensure the person receives the required first aid and/or gets to hospital as soon as possible.  If appropriate, notify a family member in regards to the employee’s condition and location.
  2. Assist the employee who reported the accident with filling in the incident report
  3. Inform the injured employee of their responsibility to complete a “claim for compensation” form and forward it together with any medical certificate to the Business Owner as soon as possible
Accident Responsiveness